Frank Woll

Frank Woll has prints and art cards distributed by Taku Graphics.  He has also produced a silver cast pin series, beginning with "Frog". Frank Woll has dedicated himself to the creation of fine art prints, graphic design, and, most recently, video animation in the unique tradition of Northwest Coast form line design.  Frank's translation of contemporary technologies to the visual vocabulary of ancient design techniques create evocative visions to elegantly and deeply engage the viewer. "Northwest Coast Native American Art is a very old invented system of drawing which elegantly and precisely captures and symbolizes the Cosmos of a people living on stretches of shoreline surrounded by magnificent forests, sweeping weathery skies and abundant animal life.  It is extremely unique in that it is the only art form of such high organizational diction produced by a non agrarian society with the resources to sustain "artists" and more contemporary religious and philosophical systems.  Instead this art form is brought forward by a hunter gatherer society who experience a spirituality as old as man himself - Shamanism - and the only shamanic art to my knowledge performed as exquisitely and sensitively in the history of the Earth." - F.Woll